Be weird, in a good way

“My sister said, ‘I don’t think you realize just how weird you are—but,’ she added hastily, ‘in a good way’."

Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project

I often reflect on a particular phrase that captures my feelings of being different in a casual yet effective way. I’m usually the odd one out—the one who doesn’t get hot chocolate at a Christmas market because it doesn’t bring the same joy as my mom’s, or the one who stays quiet for hours at gatherings because I prefer discussing ideas and concepts rather than people. However, I’ve learned to embrace this uniqueness instead of running away from it.

Over time, I’ve realized that just because something is considered the status quo or the modus operandi for the majority, it doesn’t mean it’s right for me, and that’s okay. I’ve learned to follow my desires, even if they’re unconventional, because they bring me happiness and personal growth. There is a constant trade-off between choosing what’s best for you and going against the flow of those around you. Luckily, I’m surrounded by people who understand and appreciate my quirks and sincerity, even with its touch of awkwardness.

We are all different, with our unique thoughts, ideas, likes, dislikes, and preferences. Not everyone is comfortable with the introspection needed to discover their true desires. It’s easier to go with the flow and follow the preferences dictated by one’s social circle. However, stepping out of that comfort zone has brought me real peace of mind and happiness. We are all different, and our differences are what others describe as weird—but in a good way.

Image by on Freepik.